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Radical Studies Book Club

Join us for a book club & discussion group focused on community & change. No RSVP required!

This Month’s Read: Hearth: A Global Conversation on Identity, Community, and Place edited by Annick Smith & Susan O'Connor 

A multicultural anthology about the enduring importance and shifting associations of the hearth in our world.

A hearth is many things: a place for solitude; a source of identity; something we make and share with others; a history of ourselves and our homes. It is the fixed center we return to. It is just as intrinsically portable. It is, in short, the perfect metaphor for what we seek in these complex and contradictory times--set in flux by climate change, mass immigration, the refugee crisis, and the dislocating effects of technology.

December 21

wise words storytellers workshop & social

December 23

Free Palestine Study Group