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Curated Book Lists
Feminism 101
Movement Building
Space Around Us
For the Fam
Book Clubs
Intersectional Feminist
sunday, jan 12, 11a-12p
Decolonize Drag by Kareem Khubchadri
sunday, feb 9, 11a-12p
Fruiting Bodies by Kathryn Harland
sunday, march 9, 11a-12p
The Black Guy Dies First by Coleman and Harris
sunday, april 13, 11a-12p
Radical Studies
sunday, jan 26, 11a-12p
This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed by Charles E Cobb Jr
sunday, feb 23, 11a-12p
Before We Were Trans: a New History of Gender by Kit Heyam
sunday, march 23, 11a-12p
Killing the Black Body by Dorothy Roberts
sunday, april 27, 11a-12p
Revolution is Sexy
sunday, feb 16, 11a-12p